Nupital or News?

With the approaching royal wedding a week away it seems impossible to avoid any coverage of the historical event. With images of the happy couple plastering magazines and earning more online attention than some of the recent controversies it seems as is if the wedding is almost distracting the world from some of the hardships of reality. On the flipside however, the industry built off the wedding thanks to its prominence in the global media has no doubt been beneficial to the UK and global entertainment industry; but one can't help but wonder is there too much TV coverage of Meghan and Harry’s big day?

Programs featuring the event vary from coverage of their early romance to the prospects of their family life, and it seems as though the media is trying to attract many different target market profiles with the common denominator being romantic females. Not only has the marketing industry strained itself attempting to attract as large an audience as possible, its created a veil which has successfully distracted all of society from all the other pressing events in the news.


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