Disneyland: Ads Galore!

Disneyland is the self proclaimed happiest place on earth and undeniably walking around there seemingly transports you to another land. The streets are cleaner, people seemingly more bearable, the food is 10 times better, and the advertising is everywhere. Rides and restaurants are blatantly sponsored by brands within the park, and once you leave the Disney logo and iconic mouse is plastered on everything within a 20 mile vicinity.

The guerrilla advertising techniques throughout Disneyland and Disney California Adventure Park didn't seem too obvious, since the whole park was a massive advertisement. In California Adventures they were showing a sneak preview for their new movie the Incredibles 2 and throughout the streets and on the monorail promotionals were on display. The mini theater where the preview was being played featured a huge promotional display as the entrance and inside various posters of prior previews were displayed. Disneyland itself is a massive self promotion, that clearly pays off considering its daily 6.2 million dollar profit.

Another example of Disney's creative advertising is in the commercial above  where they make the claim that a few more days will make all the difference, which seems almost like a coy reference to how fast childhood goes by. Showcasing how Disneyland is a necessary part of childhood, and without it your kid will grow up too quickly and you'll lack familial bonds.

Image result for disneylandAlthough Disney's products are for for kids they're really marketing towards the adults with the seemingly limitless spending money. They've created the idea that Disneys products will make your kid happy which will make your whole family happy. Disney essentially has marketed and sold the 'American childhood' and the innocence and happiness synonymous with it. The Disney brand has sold its consumers an experience as opposed to a material object, and as a result Disney has become an essential aspect in American life.


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