Reflection- All good things must come to an end :(

When we start something new visualizing the end always seems unrealistically far fetched. I'll admit when that when we started these media blogs I was in a much different place in terms of  my unknowing media consumption. Initially I probably spent two hours a day consciously engaging with technology. I admittedly still use too much social media and spend a lot of time on my phone, but since this blog I've reduced it. Additionally I am much more conscious of the media which I may have previously interacted with and thought nothing more of than advertisements and news.

Being aware of advertising techniques has made me realize that corporate America has a single agenda it tries to pacify us with- one in which we all are submissive. As a consumer I've become much more diligent about the products I purchase and analyzing my rational for purchasing them to prevent unjustified externally motivated purchases. My media consumption has become more concentrated since I'm much more fazed by the media I interact with. Its become nearly impossible to view anything without realizing the conceptual purpose the advertiser has.

Media literacy is necessary in these current times to prevent being sucked down the rabbit hole of advertising which is destructive to self image and the humanistic aspects of our persona which exist independent of tangible products appeal. Being an educated consumer is critical in prevented purchases in an attempt to amend the idea that we are at fault without the product. As a result of this journal I've realized above all else that a product can't satisfy any cognitive dissonance I have, that is all dependent on my fortitude as a person.

The media is an entity whose sole goal is profit, which is gained from capitalizing upon our highly receptive society. Most of our society (with the exception of corporate America, the media, and people who are media literate) is sacrifice our individuality for brands and tangible materials, which we blindly shell out thousands of dollars for so that we can strive for unobtainable social stratification. The fact of the matter is that advertisers and companies will never have our best interests at heart and people who are illiterate in regards to media prioritize product and comfort over all else perpetuated an endless cycle of dependence upon the media.


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